Discover how easy it is to teach MATHS outdoors, all year long
What do you get

- 52 pages
- 17 ready-to-use lesson plans
- more than 110 photos
- worksheets
- useful tips and extensions

- Want to know how to teach outdoor Maths?
- But don´t want just to count pebbles?
- Keen on mathematical challenges, inquiry-based learning?
- Want to get the kids moving and sensing the real world while learning?
- We will show you how to teach fractions, percents, units and much more OUTDOORS!

Want to see more?

Let children move, feel and discover
Math in motion and in practice in the real world. Explore mathematics in a playful way!

17 elaborated lesson plans
Curriculum based lessons plans include also a reflection step that strenghtens learning.

A change in teaching with a great impact
Outside, you’ll improve children’s results, health and even peer relationships.


20 EUR

25 EUR

27 USD

35 USD

490 CZK

595 CZK

experiences and reactions

dr.sc. DIANA GARAŠIĆ Educator and GLOBE Program national coordinator in Croatia
"I am not surprised that this is popular among your teachers - those are really nicely created pages with a lot of beautiful and creative ideas for activities, well didactically shaped and explained."

AMANDA CADMAN homeschooling mom of two, Great Britain
"I had never really thought about letting the boys firstly play and usually go straight to learning scientifically. You have helped me understand that play is truly learning, and without this, a vital aspect is being missed out, and the connection for learning is missed."

1. in Global Teacher Prize CZ and finalist of the World Global Teacher Prize
"I teach mathematics and physical education and thought why not combine them outside? Children nowadays sit and watch their screens too much. They are energised and their senses come alive when they spend time outdoors."

1. in Global Teacher Prize CZ
"It's not only children's brains but also their bodies and their relationship to a place that develop when we teach outdoors. Your materials and inspiration help in preparations and bring new ideas easily which ultimately saves time."